Par les créateurs de Wolfram Language, Mathematica et Wolfram|Alpha
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Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis joined Wolfram Research in mid-2022 as a technology engineer in the Wolfram Technology Group, primarily handling technical support cases and specializing in differential equations. Andrew provides customers with expertise in using Wolfram Language to solve ODEs and PDEs. He became a Wolfram Certified Instructor in April 2024. In his graduate studies, Andrew primary used Wolfram Language to model various forms of bio-transport. Before working for Wolfram, Andrew worked in city government as an interpretive park ranger, where he taught various classes related to the local wildlife.

Entreprise :

Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, Illinois

Diplômes :

Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Mathematics from Lewis & Clark College
Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Michigan

Langues :


Intérêts :

Drumming and electronic music creation.