Par les créateurs de Wolfram Language, Mathematica et Wolfram|Alpha
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Juan Carlos López González

Juan Carlos López González

López González uses Mathematica as a fundamental tool in his work with cellular automata, work that he started with his thesis to build a cellular automata simulator, and research that he has continued for 12 years. His current algorithm and method helped him find 300 complex cellular automata with behavior similar to the Game of Life. His dream is to find one cellular automata that emulates gravity.

López González is a web application development specialist with the position of technical lead or architect for many projects. He is a Wolfram Science Summer School 2012 alumnus.

Entreprise :

Distrito Capital, Venezuela

Diplômes :

BS in Mathematics and Computer Science, Universidad Central de Venezuela
MS in Emerging Computers, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Langues :

Spanish, English

Intérêts :

Studying English, playing basketball, cellular automata, math