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Daniel Arndt Alves

Daniel Arndt Alves

Daniel Arndt Alves started using Mathematica in 2000 and has used it extensively since 2002. He is a 2010 and 2008 NKS Summer School alumni. Since June 2004, he has been responsible for the configuration, installation, deployment, and maintenance of the Cluster of Research in Evolutionary Computation and Cellular Automata, a cluster of 16 machines (master and 15 slaves) running a Wolfram gridMathematica server.

Arndt Alves is a professor of Computing and Informatics at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, teaching undergraduate courses in Java and C++ programming. He taught extension courses on Moodle Learning Management System at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, where he was also responsible for teaching intensive two-week courses on the uses and technical resources of Moodle for professors. In his work as a Systems Analyst, he was responsible for management of the learning distance server of Mackenzie Presbyterian University. He has been a certified instructor with Wolfram Research since 2010.


Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, Brazil


BS in Computer Science, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil
MS in Electrical Engineering, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil


Portuguese, English


Cellular automata, evolutionary algorithms, parallel computing, artificial intelligence, knowledge management, management of electronic documents, digital libraries, computer systems