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Anderson Gaudio

Anderson Gaudio

Anderson Coser Gaudio is a teacher and researcher in the physics department of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil. Until 2008, he conducted research in medicinal chemistry, with an emphasis on structure-activity relationships, and development of software and apps in quantum chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and physics education. After 2008, he concentrated his scientific activities in the area of physics education.

At the present time, he coordinates the Laboratory of Development and Application of New Technologies in Physics Education (TecnoLab/UFES), in which special teaching resources for undergraduate courses are designed and applied. He often uses Mathematica in his physics classes. In 2013 he was instrumental in beginning an institutional contract between UFES and Wolfram Research, which allowed access to Mathematica for all members and students of the four campuses of UFES. One of his duties is to give Mathematica training courses to teachers and students at UFES. He has programming skills in Visual Basic, PHP/MySQL, and HTML/JavaScript.


Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil


Graduate in Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of Espirito Santo, Brazil

Master in Chemistry, State University of Campinas, Brazil

Doctor in Sciences, State University of Campinas, Brazil

Doctoral exchange program at the Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, UK

Post-doctorate in Physics Education, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul



Portuguese, English


Physics and science education, programming, computational modeling of physical systems, traveling, songs of the 70's, jogging at the end of the day