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Ronald Monson

Ronald Monson

Throughout his professional life, Ronald Monson has integrated Wolfram tech into his teaching, research, writing and consulting workflows. Ron started using Mathematica as an undergraduate at The University of Western Australia before working as a researcher coding diagnostics that treat students’ mathematical misconceptions in a computer-aided learning system Calmaeth. His PhD work included a thesis and packages written in Wolfram Language. 

In the first part of his career, he was an academic and learning consultant across several Australian Universities. He authored Wolfram Demonstrations and was a Wolfram Visiting Scholar. In his other life, he mixes environmental activism with natural exploration. He is interested in understanding connections between computation and language, randomness and predictability, correctness and creativity and, in particular, how these can be distilled into new tools for individuals and institutions to make computational progress. Ron is the CEO/founder of onSoc.




Bachelor of Science Honours in Pure and Applied Mathematics, The University of Western Australia

Graduate Diploma in Education (Mathematics and ICT), The University of Western Australia

PhD in Computer-Aided Learning and Theoretical Computer Science, The University of Western Australia




Causality, data science, literacies—language, numerical, and digital, learning analytics, MOOCs, satisfiability, statistics, evolution, nature