Carmen Popescu-Rose

Carmen Popescu-Rose uses Mathematica as a teaching, learning, and mathematics tool. One of the features that attracts her to Mathematica is that it requires an understanding of mathematics while it enhances student learning. Carmen has been involved in the trial conducted by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) on the computer-based delivery of Mathematical Methods (CAS) Examination 2 with Mathematica being used as the computer algebra system (CAS). She copresented and delivered a paper on this trial as part of the 2011 Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV) Conference in Melbourne, Australia.
Carmen worked 10 years as a metallurgy engineer in her country of origin, Romania. When she migrated to Australia in 1993, Carmen decided to fulfill her dream of teaching mathematics and became a teacher. Since then she has taught mathematics in both public and private systems in Australia and the UK. She is also teaching the UMEP course through the University of Melbourne. After leading various mathematics departments, including the mathematics department at Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak, Victoria, Australia, where she is currently teaching, Carmen decided to concentrate on teaching mathematics and on the development of mathematics coursework that uses the features of Mathematica to visualize mathematical concepts and knowledge.
Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak, Victoria, Australia
Master of Engineering (Metallurgy), Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania
Master of Education Studies (Educational Computing), University of South Australia
Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary), University of Adelaide, Australia
English, Romanian
Quantum physics, mathematics courseware design, travel, music