Rémi Barrère

Since the early 1990s, Rémi Barrère has used Wolfram Language for modeling and simulation in teaching as well as in research. While teaching applied mathematics and their applications to physics and engineering, he relied on the versatility of Wolfram Language to develop a teaching experiment based on student projects with Mathematica. His research relates to the use of symbolic representations and manipulations in scientific computing and also to the algorithmic approach to mathematics. He developed packages in differential geometry and tensor analysis.
Now retired from the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté in France, Barrère is a regular contributor on GROUM.F, the electronic list of French Mathematica users, and regularly presents his work at conferences such as the International Mathematica Symposium (IMS). He is the author of the book Mathematica: Calcul formel et programmation symbolique pour l’informatique scientifique.
Diploma in Engineering, ENSMM
PhD in Mathematics, University of Franche-Comté
French, English
Epistemology and teaching methods; interactions between the sciences, technology and art; politics and social issues