M. M. P. Madhuranga Fernando

Dr. M. M. P. Madhuranga Fernando has 20 years of teaching experience (since 2001) and completed a PhD in geophysics in 2007. All his doctoral work was done using Mathematica. He has been a Wolfram certified instructor since 2012.
Dr. Fernando is presently a senior lecturer in physics attached to the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, where he teaches first-, second-, third- and fourth-year courses and is in charge of the third-year computational physics laboratory. His research interests are geophysics, computational physics, mathematical physics, theoretical physics and physics of music.
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
BS Special Degree in Physics with first-class honors, University of Sri Jayewardanepura, Sri Lanka
PhD in Geophysics, University of Sri Jayewardanepura, Sri Lanka
Sinhala and English
Buddhist philosophy, mathematical modeling, solving mathematical equations, literature