Andrey Krotkikh

Andrey Krotkikh is a masters student in applied and numerical mechanics at Perm National Polytechnic Research University. Andrey uses the Wolfram Language to study models of topology optimization and solve FEM problems. Andrey likes to model physical processes like moving fluids in frozen soils or the static equilibrium of mandible systems of humans. His research focuses on creating “biologically optimal” shapes of objects. He is a Wolfram Summer School alumnus and a featured contributor to Wolfram Community.
Andrey has taught physics and mathematics at the middle-school level and coached his students for Physics and Mathematics Olympiads.
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Russian Federation
BS in Biomechanics and Theoretic Mechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Russian, English
Engraving, reading science fiction, books by James Rollins and Lincoln Child, taking long walks in the forest