José Guillermo Sánchez León

José Guillermo Sánchez León has been using Mathematica in education and research since 1991, and has participated in many research projects and published papers in which Mathematica has been a fundamental tool. In the summer of 1999, he was a Visiting Scholar at Wolfram Research, and he has participated as a Mathematica pre-release tester since Version 5. Guillermo Sánchez gives frequent seminars and training courses about Mathematica. He is the author of the book Mathematica beyond Mathematics: The Wolfram Language in the Real World, where he takes a look at a wide array of topics, from astrophysics to stock quotes in finance, using Wolfram Language capabilities such as curated datasets, entities, machine learning and more.
Guillermo Sánchez is a mathematics and statistical consultant and Associate Professor with the Department of Economy and Economic History at the University of Salamanca.
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
PhD in Mathematics (Universidad de Salamanca), MS in Physics (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Mining Engineer (Universidad de Córdoba)
Spanish, English, some French
Science, popular science writing and tales, traveling