От разработчиков Wolfram Language, Mathematica и Wolfram|Alpha
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Ronald Monson

Ronald Monson

Ronald Monson integrates Mathematica into most of his teaching, research, writing, and consulting workflows. This includes: creating and deploying Demonstrations to teach numeracy, literacy, digital fluency, statistics, and data science; applying HPC to learning analytics and for running satisfiability experiments; and analyzing and optimizing client business opportunities. He is a previous Visiting Scholar at Wolfram Research, has conducted workshops for Victoria’s Department of Education, and independently developed packages combining Wolfram Workbench with a user-developed, front-end IDE.

Ron started using Mathematica as an undergraduate at The University of Western Australia in the mid-nineties before working as a researcher coding diagnostics that treat students’ mathematical misconceptions in a computer-aided learning system (Calmaeth). His PhD work included a thesis and packages written in Mathematica. Ron worked for several years as a mathematics lecturer at Victoria University’s Student Learning Unit. Since early 2013, he has been a learning advisor in the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science at Edith Cowan University.


Edith Cowan University
Western Australia


Bachelor of Science Honours in Pure and Applied Mathematics, The University of Western Australia
Graduate Diploma in Education (Mathematics and ICT), The University of Western Australia
PhD in Computer-Aided Learning and Theoretical Computer Science, The University of Western Australia




Causality, data science, literacies—language, numerical, and digital, learning analytics, MOOCs, satisfiability, statistics, evolution, nature