От разработчиков Wolfram Language, Mathematica и Wolfram|Alpha
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Mi Yan

Mi Yan

Mi Yan has been a member of the Wolfram Technology Group since February 2019. In his role as a Wolfram Technology Engineer, Mi provides advanced technical support for machine learning, differential equations, data visualization and parallel computation to clients. He has been a Wolfram Certified Instructor since 2021, creating and teaching various training courses and webinars to help others better understand and appreciate the Wolfram Language.

Prior to joining Wolfram, he completed his PhD in the field of theoretical condensed matter physics, specifically quantum dynamics and phase transitions of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices. In his research, he extensively used the Wolfram Language to perform symbolic calculations and numerical simulations. His research has been published in international journals such as Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A and Scientific Reports


Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, Illinois


BS in Physics, Soochow University
MS in Theoretical Physics, Soochow University
PhD in Computational Physics, Virginia Tech


English, Chinese


Science, mathematics, programming, soccer and hiking