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Alain Carmasol

Alain Carmasol

Alain Carmasol has used Mathematica since the early 1990s in research and teaching. His research relates to mechanical modeling and scientific computing, including topics of structural analysis, homogenization methods, thermodynamics modeling, and more. He presents his work at conferences such as the International Mathematica Symposium (IMS) and was a committee member for IMS 2006. Some of his work is concerned with the development of tools in Mathematica for industrial projects.

Carmasol teaches mathematics in an engineering school, at the higher education level. He uses Mathematica as his main tool to help students explore and grasp concepts and also as a great computation tool when applying methods for solving complex problems.


ENIM, Metz, France


Diploma in Engineering, ENSMM
PhD in Mechanical Engineering, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées


French, English


Mathematics, physics, mechanics, epistemology, cycling, mountain biking, rock climbing, salsa dancing