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1311 videos match your search.
Christian Pasquel
Jessica Sudo
Sandipan Bandyopadhyay
Wolfram Mathematica can be very helpful to Robotics teachers or a researchers. I developed several symbolic codes to solve benchmark problems in the field of parallel manipulators, and created computational ...
Adam Strzebonski
Roger Germundsson
This talk introduces the new geometry functionality in Mathematica 10.
Adam Strzebonski
Recent releases of Mathematica have significantly extended the exact global optimization capabilities, and more optimization methods are currently under development. In this talk, Adam Strzebonski shows some examples of Wolfram ...
Devendra Kapadia
Unal Goktas
This talk by Unal Goktas presents an overview of solution methods for partial differential equations (PDEs) in the Wolfram Language. It covers not only the classical methods but also relatively ...
Jan Brugard, Patrik Ekenberg
Guido Wolf Reichert
This talk provides a quick tour of the new Business Simulation library (BSL) available in Wolfram System Modeler. BSL employs a-causal "physical" connectors to enable very compact and convenient model ...
Ankit Naik
This presentation from Ankit Naik focuses on how System Modeler is used to make teaching come alive. There is an overview of Wolfram Virtual Labs included.
Patrik Ekenberg, Wolfram MathCore
Johan Rodin, Anneli Mossberg, and Leonardo Laguna-Ruiz
This talk demonstrates how models interact with other software and hardware components, how models are exported from SystemModeler and used in other systems based on the functional mock-up interface (FMI), how Modelica libraries interface with hardware, and ...
Ankit Naik
Jan Brugard & Patrik Ekenberg
Ankit Naik
Jan Brugard
Patrik Ekenberg
Malte Lenz
Patrik Ekenberg