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1311 videos match your search.
Jan Brugård
This presentation guides you through the basic concepts of Wolfram SystemModeler and provides an understanding of how SystemModeler can be applied to your work. This talk is ideal for beginners.
Dominik Dvorak
Ian Johnson
Jason Abernathy
TableView is a control for manipulating and displaying large amounts of data. Data structures containing millions of elements can be explored without a substantial performance penalty. Updates to TableView include the ability to toggle individual divider elements and a few experimental features that are designed to improve ...
Nirmal Malapaka
Visualizing n-dimensional data requires different techniques than for data with just 2 or 3 dimensions. Projection methods reduce the number of dimensions to 2 or 3, and use color, shape, size or other properties ...
Emma Yang
Stefan Janecek
George Danner
Harald Biller
The Wolfram System's recent advances in disciplined convex programming are applied to a multi-objective optimization problem: find a cubic spline function with small data distance and curvature. We add positivity, ...
Flip Philips
Dariia Porechna
Cryptography is fascinating because of the close ties it forges between theory and practice. It makes use of bitwise computations, advanced algebra, string operations and everything in between. Explaining cryptography ...
Desmond Adair & Martin Jaeger
Danny Finn
Wolfram Technical Consulting has created a collection of EdTech-focused components designed to easily integrate into pre-existing education systems or be used alone to provide a customizable, computation-based practice and assessment ...
Tuseeta Banerjee
Tuseeta Banerjee, Wolfram research scientist, talks about building neural network applications in the Wolfram Language.
Devendra Kapadia
Devendra Kapadia, algorithms R&D kernel developer, discusses implementing calculus in the Wolfram Language.
Abrita Chakravarty
Abrita Chakravarty, training and development specialist, discusses course development in the realm of data science and Wolfram Language training for Wolfram U.
Kevin Daily
Kevin Daily, Junior User Interface Developer, talks about game design in the Wolfram Language. Read more about Kevin's horde-mode modification of the first stage of Castlevania written in the Wolfram ...
Shadi Ashnai
Shadi Ashnai, Wolfram image signal processing manager, discusses and demonstrates new image and signal processing functions in the Wolfram Language.
Christian Pasquel
Christian Pasquel, Wolfram WRSA connectivity manager, talks about interacting with blockchains from the Wolfram Language.
Etienne Bernard
Etienne Bernard, algorithms R&D lead architect, discusses the neural net functions in the Wolfram Language.