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1311 videos match your search.
Gosia Konwerska
Cody A. Trevillian
Nicholas Brunk
Alan Calvitti
Nikolay Brodskiy
In this Wolfram Technology Conference talk, Nikolay Brodskiy shares his experiences with using Wolfram technologies for a computer-based approach to teaching calculus.
Etienne Bernard & Jerome Louradour
Nicholas Brunk, PSM, MS
The Wolfram Language facilitates a broad variety of scientific and industrial workflows.In this talk, Nick Brunk highlights Wolfram Language facilitation of high-throughput, experimentally validated molecular dynamic (MD) simulations of ...
Paul Abbott
Maria Sargsyan ,Jofre Espigule-Pons
Timothee Verdier
Gerald Thomas
Meng Lu, Noriko Yasui, Francisco Rodriguez Arias
Ian Ford
Trees are fundamental data structures in mathematics and science, with standard examples including XML trees, file systems and Wolfram Language expressions. We present symbolic Tree objects, added in Version 12.3 of ...
Bruno Autin
Jon McLoone
Dr Simon Hegelich and Morteza Shahrezaye
Jason Harris
Many everyday notations and structures in Mathematica now use TemplateBoxes in the front end, making it an important building block for developers. This presentation discusses multiple topics around this somewhat ...
Jason Harris
Jason Abernathy
Jason Harris