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1311 videos match your search.
Jason Harris
Jose Martin-Garcia
Lou D'Andria
Lou D'Andria
Ming Hsu
This presentation discusses validity challenges to AI algorithms and demonstrates the ways linguistical and social biases still pervade AI training.
Carlo Giacometti
Carlo Giacometti & Rebecca Frederick
Michael Trott
Charles Pooh, Alec Shedelbower, Yan Zhuang, Jaebum Jung
Charles Pooh, Alec Shedelbower
Samir Sayegh
Michael Aichinger and Sascha Kratky
Michael Aichinger and Sascha Kratky give an overview of the UnRisk-Q Instrument Builder and explain the advantages of using Mathematica to develop powerful financial software solutions in this presentation from ...
Anton Antonov
Learn how both theoretical and software engineering constructs made for epidemiological compartmental models can be "upgraded" into war system dynamics models. Several operational and economic analogies are drawn, including the ...
Juan-Antonio López-Aragón
This presentation summarizes the modules that the authors have implemented and that they have used as support in the academic studies that they are carrying out in the field of ...
John Fultz
In this talk Director of User Interface Technology John Fultz demonstrates advancements to the user interface for the Mathematica 10 front end, including multiple undo, cloud integration, PDF export, and more.
Matteo Salvarezza
Matteo Salvarezza presents a new neural net layer in Wolfram Language 12.2. Leveraging the new Wolfram Compiler, it allows users to implement custom operations and freely use them with the rest ...
Mohammad Bahrami
Joseph Haley
Rohit Panse
Terry Honan
In this Wolfram Technology Conference presentation, Terry Honan, assistant division chair of geology and physics at Blinn College, discusses the use of Mathematica and CDF to create dynamic teaching tools ...