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3615 videos match your search.
Etienne Bernard
In this presentation, Etienne Bernard, Lead Architect in the Advanced Research Group at Wolfram Research, shows functions of machine learning in the Wolfram Language. He also shows classification, feature extraction, ...
This Hands-on Start to Mathematica (Version 12) tutorial screencast provides step-by-step instruction to get you started with Mathematica. During this video, you'll learn how to enter queries through free-form input and ...
Andrew Yule
An all-encompassing set of R&D tools that uses the Wolfram Language and CDF to handle a vast array of internal calculations, workflows and data analysis techniques for the oil ...
Philip Maymin
Sports and eSports provide a challenge of communicating computational findings to people who think qualitatively. The Wolfram Language uniquely offers machine learning results, visualizations, interactive tools and cloud-deployed solutions.
Jakub Kabala
This presentation employs techniques of hierarchical distance clustering and machine learning in the Wolfram Language to solve a famous and vexing problem of authorship attribution in medieval history.
This workshop is aimed at educators interested in learning more about how computer-based maths (CBM) can be introduced into their classrooms. Starting with an overview of the CBM approach to the curriculum, ...
Bernat Espigule-Pons
This film discusses the techniques, and outlines the vision of the future computerization of pure mathematics through interviews and talk segments from renowned mathematicians, meta-mathematicians, computational mathematicians, and theorem provers.
Deep neural networks have become a game changer for many computer vision tasks. This quick introduction covers components of a deep learning-based application and the ease of use of the ...
This overview showcases the easy-to-use framework available in the Wolfram Language to build, modify, train and deploy neural networks.
Walk through the development of deep learning applications for the processing and analysis of images in the Wolfram Language. Real-world examples provide practical insights on how to effectively leverage neural ...
Symbolically solve boundary value problems for the classical PDEs and obtain symbolic solutions for the Schrödinger and other modern PDEs using the Wolfram Language.
Discover how to solve PDEs over regions or find eigenvalues and eigenfunctions over regions. Use the latest Wolfram Language functionality to create better PDE models and gain a deeper understanding ...
This workshop shows how to access and cite Wolfram|Alpha's deep network of curated, real-world data for academic and personal projects.
Sandipan Bandyopadhyay
Sandipan Bandyopadhyay uses Mathematica to help students explore robotic mechanisms. By using interactive Wolfram Language Manipulates, students are able to see the relationships between equations and robotic movement.
2012年のWolfram Innovator awardを受賞した関西学院高等部の宮寺氏は,数理科学部の生徒たちとともにMathematicaを活用して数学研究を行っており,国内外の様々な数学コンテストに参加しています.
Dr. Ryohei Miyadera
Dr.Miyadera is a 2012 Innovator award winner, and his students participated in all kinds of math competitions (international and domestics). Their central tool has always been Mathematica.
Samir Sayegh
Andrew Steinacher