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3615 videos match your search.
Dwayne Philip
Dwayne Philip shares his experiences with designing and leading the implementation of what is perhaps England's first and only blended-learning secondary school mathematics curriculum in this talk from The Computer-Based ...
Michael Aichinger and Sascha Kratky
Michael Aichinger and Sascha Kratky give an overview of the UnRisk-Q Instrument Builder and explain the advantages of using Mathematica to develop powerful financial software solutions in this presentation from ...
James Rock
James Rock explains how he's using Bayes's Theorem to fit data to a parametric distribution with Mathematica in this talk from the Wolfram Technology Conference.
Kjetil Idås
In this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, Kjetil Idås gives an overview of the role technology played in raising his students' math scores.
Nikolay Brodskiy
In this Wolfram Technology Conference talk, Nikolay Brodskiy shares his experiences with using Wolfram technologies for a computer-based approach to teaching calculus.
Filip vrček
In this presentation from the Wolfram Technology Conference, Filip vrček walks through classroom examples to show how Mathematica is improving the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Thomas Mawora
In this presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, Thomas Mawora gives an inside look at the success he's having with Kenya's only math camp, which introduces students and teachers to a computer-based approach ...
Antonio Brito and Abraham Gadalla
In this Wolfram Technology Conference talk, Antonio Brito and Abraham Gadalla demonstrate how they use Mathematica's warning error messages to teach and reinforce mathematical concepts.
Scott Gray
In this talk from the Wolfram Technology Conference, Scott Gray, director of Making Math at O'Reilly Media, shares his views on Computer-Based Math™ and gives an overview of the Mathematica-based ...
Gerald Thomas
In this presentation from the Wolfram Technology Conference, Gerald Thomas explores some applications of decision process theory, which uses differential geometry techniques to predict future decisions.
Alison Clark-Wilson
Alison Clark-Wilson presents the details of EdUmatics, a European funded project with the aim to develop a resource for teaching secondary mathematics with technology, during this talk from The Computer-Based ...
Radim Kusak
In this Wolfram Technology Conference presentation, Radim Kusak shares his experiences in creating the course, Introduction to Wolfram Mathematica for Teachers, for his colleagues at Charles University in Prague.
Klaus Sutner
Klaus Sutner explains his work on iterating binary inverse transducers in this presentation from the Wolfram Technology Conference.
Michael Belcher
In this video from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, Michael Belcher leads a discussion with Jon McLoone on whether Computer-Based Math is winning over the critics.
Seth Chandler
In this Wolfram Technology Conference presentation, Seth Chandler explores the practicalities of using J/Link to establish Mathematica as a communications hub among code developed in Clojure, Scala, and Jython.
Tom Button
In this presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, Tom Button discusses his role in developing a new advanced-level mathematics unit, which uses software for teaching, learning, and assessment.
Josef Karthauser
In this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, Josef Karthauser, co-founder of Dr Dots, shares his company's approach to creating educational software that not only teaches kids STEM subjects ...
Eddie Wilde
Eddie Wilde, a manager of the mathematics qualifications team at OCR, gives an overview of the use of technology in learning and assessing advanced-level mathematics in England and Wales in ...
Agneau Belanyek
Agneau Belanyek, a principal examiner at OCR, gives his perspective on where programming fits into mathematics education in this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit.
Daniel Pryjma
This Wolfram Training course explores functionality relevant to education. Topics include a survey of interactive models and computation and visualization capabilities useful for teaching. Includes Portuguese translation.