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3615 videos match your search.
Emma Mulqueeny
Emma Mulqueeny, CEO of Rewired State, discusses her efforts to teach kids to program and the importance of pushing the potential of the UK digital industry during her presentation at ...
Alan Mycroft
Alan Mycroft, a trustee of Raspberry Pi and professor of computing at the University of Cambridge, shares his views on where programming fits into education in this talk from The ...
Benjamin Koo
In this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, Benjamin Koo, a professor at Tsinghua University, shares his experiences in developing a team-based learning program and offers advice on how to effectively lead students ...
David Stern
In this presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, David Stern offers his views on the future of a computer-based approach to math and statistics education in Kenya, where he's ...
David Vaccaro
David Vaccaro discusses his involvement in building a middle school curriculum and where computer based mathematics would fit in as part of this presentation at The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit.
Conrad Wolfram
Conrad Wolfram closes the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit with a wrap-up of insights gained at the event and future directions for the computer based mathematics movement.
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Yu-Sung Chang
Mathematica's powerful tools for building graphics are tightly integrated into its high-level programming language. This introductory course from the Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2012 covers topics related to using Mathematica for ...
Yu-Sung Chang
The Wolfram Computable Document Format (CDF) provides a new streamlined way for creating dynamic educational content. This course from the Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2012 shows how to use CDF for ...
See how Wolfram technologies like Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha enhance math education. The video features visual examples of course materials, apps, and other resources to help teachers and students cover ...
Broaden your educational communication pipeline–from interactive courseware authoring to cutting-edge research collaboration. This video features visual examples of how Wolfram technologies are advancing education.
Yu-Sung Chang
The Wolfram Computable Document Format (CDF) provides a new streamlined way for creating dynamic educational content. This Wolfram Training on-demand course shows how to use CDF for teaching and sharing, ...
Daniel Zicha
See how Daniel Zicha, head of Light Microscopy at Cancer Research UK, uses Mathematica to develop light microscopy techniques for biomedical research in applications of image processing and analysis methods.
Vitaliy Kaurov
Mathematica provides many approaches to producing dynamic visualizations. This talk uses a number of examples to illustrate the principles involved in constructing graphics sequences, manipulating simulated cameras, building interactive interfaces, ...
Harry Calkins
Learn how to create a presentation in Mathematica and individualize it using stylesheets in this course from the Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2012.
Vitaliy Kaurov
This video covers all Computable Document Format (CDF) deployment options, from standalone applications to web delivery, and discusses HTML embedding and usage of popular platforms and services.
Cliff Hastings
This Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2012 course explores functionality relevant to education. Topics include a survey of interactive models and computation and visualization capabilities useful for teaching.
David Walsh
Get an overview of Wolfram|Alpha and learn how to integrate its powerful knowledge into the K-12 classroom in this course from the Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2012.
Yu-Sung Chang, Vitaliy Kaurov, Chris Carlson, Zach Parcell
This video introduces the Mathematica experts who judged the user-submitted entries for the Mathematica Experts Live: One-Liner Competition 2012.
Chris Carlson
This video from Mathematica Experts Live: One-Liner Competition 2012 highlights David Carraher's Honorable Mention entry, which combines Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha to produce an interface for exploring properties of countries.