Sample Enterprise Private Cloud Workflow:
Direct-to-Client Data Analytics
with Business Laboratory
Using instant API creation and high-level data processing, Business Laboratory delivers rich applications directly to clients for sophisticated analysis and modeling of their business data—all securely hosted and powered by Wolfram Enterprise Private Cloud.

Direct-to-Client Analytical Business Model Workflow
Powered by Enterprise Private Cloud

Determine Key Factors
Pulling relevant information from ERP databases, Business Laboratory works with an organization to generate a qualitative graphical overview of the system in question.
Enterprise Private Cloud essentials for this step:
Rapid prototyping with world-class visualizations: Quickly create diagrams, charts, graphs and other informational visualizations, easily changing parameters on the fly.
Customer data, immediately computable: Seamlessly import from external databases in a variety of formats, using high-level semantics to prepare data for immediate computation.

Make an API Model
Relevant data is analyzed and processed in a Wolfram desktop environment to develop a computational model of the problem, implemented as a web-callable API.
Enterprise Private Cloud essentials for this step:
Hybrid desktop/cloud interface: Connect your Wolfram desktop interface to Enterprise Private Cloud to combine the familiarity of Mathematica with the flexible deployment and computation of the Wolfram Cloud.
Instant high-powered APIs: Develop a sophisticated model using the world's largest web of algorithms, and deploy it as a RESTful API for easy programmatic access.
Connect a User Interface
Business Laboratory implements a desktop interface using any number of environments (e.g. Unity, Python, JavaScript), connecting it to the API model with custom bindings.
Enterprise Private Cloud essentials for this step:
Seamless interoperability with other systems: Develop a front end interface in any language or environment and easily connect it to Wolfram Language code through HTTP requests, built-in language interfaces or custom API bindings.
Centralized code maintenance: Simplify code maintenance by housing crucial computations in the cloud, allowing back end updates that propagate to all installations with no end-user action required.

Run Simulations
Clients can securely access the latest model at any time, manipulating parameters to simulate real-world scenarios and optimize business decisions.
Enterprise Private Cloud essentials for this step:
Fully configurable data security: Set up user and group policies using standard authentication protocols, providing tight control over access to proprietary business models.
Optimize your computations: Use pre-initialized API features and automatic load balancing to maximize the speed and availability of computations.
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