Wolfram Language

User Interface Enhancements

3D Image Enhancements

By default, 3D images do not respond to lighting. The color values are purely determined by the given color function.

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func = Blend[{{0, RGBColor[0.035, 0.058, 0, 0]}, {0.1, RGBColor[0.015, 0, 0.035, 0]}, {0.2, RGBColor[0, 0, 0, 0.032]}, {0.3, RGBColor[0.103, 0.032, 0, 0]}, {0.4, RGBColor[0, 0, 0, 0]}, {0.5, RGBColor[0.202, 0.203, 0.218, 0.337]}, {0.6, RGBColor[0.403, 0.405, 0.400, 0.457]}, {0.7, RGBColor[0.485, 0.474, 0.603, 0.682]}, {0.8, RGBColor[0.861, 0.836, 0.838, 0.794]}, {0.9, RGBColor[0.459, 0.475, 0.458, 0.842]}, {1, RGBColor[0.562, 0.519, 0.554, 0.962]}}, #] &; options = {BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, ViewVertical -> {0, -0.5, -1}, ViewPoint -> {Left, Front}, ColorFunction -> func, Boxed -> False};
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data = Import["ExampleData/CThead.tiff", "Data"];
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img3d = Image3D[data, "Byte", options, ImageSize -> 400]

Turning on volume lighting can help to highlight surface details. In this case, a directional light is added pointing into the plane of the screen, and specularity is added to the image object.

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ImageCrop[ Show[Graphics3D[Specularity[Orange, 3], Background -> Black], Image3D[img3d, Method -> {"VolumeLighting" -> True}], options, Lighting -> {{"Directional", White, ImageScaled[{0, 0, 2}]}}, ImageSize -> 700], {410, 410}]

Grainy images can be further enhanced by interpolating the values.

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fine = ImageCrop[ Show[Graphics3D[Specularity[Orange, 3], Background -> Black], Image3D[img3d, Method -> {"VolumeLighting" -> True, "InterpolateValues" -> True}], options, Lighting -> {{"Directional", White, ImageScaled[{0, 0, 2}]}}, ImageSize -> 700], {410, 410}]

Visualize the transition from the original to the interpolated and highlighted image.

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original = ImageCrop[ Show[img3d, options, Background -> Black, ImageSize -> 700], {410, 410}];
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Animate[Overlay[{original, SetAlphaChannel[fine, i]}], {i, 0, 1}, AnimationRate -> 1/3, AnimationDirection -> ForwardBackward]
Play Animation
Stop Animation

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