Connected Device Framework
The Wolfram Device Framework provides streamlined support for interacting with external devices. By presenting a symbolic representation for each device and a standard set of Wolfram Language functions, the Device Framework allows easy programmatic access to a wide variety of electronic hardware. With state-of-the-art computational algorithms and Wolfram Cloud support, the Wolfram Language offers sophisticated tools to visualize, analyze, and store device data.

- Standard set of Wolfram Language functions such as DeviceRead, DeviceWrite, DeviceExecute, etc. to operate on devices.
- Support for synchronous, asynchronous, and buffered communication.
- Search for all devices connected to your computer system, and programmatically set and retrieve various device properties such as buffer length, camera frame rate, accelerometer range, etc.
- Access the entire suite of Wolfram Language algorithms and visualization functions for device data analysis.
- Tight integration with Wolfram Cloud allows on-demand download of the suitable device driver and easy upload, analysis, and retrieval of device data.
- Fully supported on both desktop environment and Raspberry Pi.