New in Mathematica 9
Enhanced Core Algorithms
Mathematica 9 adds a large number of improvements to existing functionality, as well as a smaller amount of new functionality. There are new special functions, such as real-valued algebraic functions from elementary calculus and Mittag-Leffler's E function from fractional calculus. Matrix functions are supplied for all of Mathematica's special functions and combinations. Numerous performance and scope improvements across the system have been added.

- New real-valued cube root and surd functions.
- New Erlang B and C functions for capacity planning of queueing systems.
- New fractional calculus function: Mittag-Leffler's E function.
- Support for numeric, exact, and symbolic matrix functions.
- New graph-based algorithms for sparse exact and symbolic linear algebra.
- New high-performance algorithms for polynomial operations.
- New compact algebraic number representation for triangular polynomial systems.
- Ability to work large memory arrays and expressions only limited by 64-bit addressing.