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Describe Special Functions
Mathematica can interpret mathematical symbols to capture their meanings and not just the name of the symbol involved.

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 HurwitzLerchPhi[z, s, a] + Zeta[z] + RiemannSiegelZ[z] + 

  Pochhammer[x, y] + EllipticE[z] + Hypergeometric1F1[a, b, z ] + 

  Erf[z] + HermiteH[n, x] + BesselK[a, z] + JacobiP[a, b, c, z] + 

  ChebyshevT[n, x] + AiryAi[z] + KelvinKei[z] + 

  SphericalBesselY[n, z] + SpheroidalS2[n, m, y, z]]


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Speak[HurwitzLerchPhi[z, s, a] + Zeta[z] + RiemannSiegelZ[z] + 

  Pochhammer[x, y] + EllipticE[z] + Hypergeometric1F1[a, b, z ] + 

  Erf[z] + HermiteH[n, x] + BesselK[a, z] + JacobiP[a, b, c, z] + 

  ChebyshevT[n, x] + AiryAi[z] + KelvinKei[z] + 

  SphericalBesselY[n, z] + SpheroidalS2[n, m, y, z]]