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Read Function Definitions Out Loud
Mathematica interprets and translates function definitions and even code to be read aloud.

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 HoldForm[f[x_] = 

   If[x > 0, 

    1 + 25 x + 300 x^2 + 2300 x^3 + 12650 x^4 + 53130 x^5 + 

     177100 x^6 + 480700 x^7 + 1081575 x^8 + 2042975 x^9 + 

     3268760 x^10 + 4457400 x^11 + 5200300 x^12 + 5200300 x^13 + 

     4457400 x^14 + 3268760 x^15 + 2042975 x^16 + 1081575 x^17 + 

     480700 x^18 + 177100 x^19 + 53130 x^20 + 12650 x^21 + 

     2300 x^22 + 300 x^23 + 25 x^24 + x^25, Abs[ x - 4]]]]


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  f[x_] = If[x > 0, 

    1 + 25 x + 300 x^2 + 2300 x^3 + 12650 x^4 + 53130 x^5 + 

     177100 x^6 + 480700 x^7 + 1081575 x^8 + 2042975 x^9 + 

     3268760 x^10 + 4457400 x^11 + 5200300 x^12 + 5200300 x^13 + 

     4457400 x^14 + 3268760 x^15 + 2042975 x^16 + 1081575 x^17 + 

     480700 x^18 + 177100 x^19 + 53130 x^20 + 12650 x^21 + 

     2300 x^22 + 300 x^23 + 25 x^24 + x^25, Abs[ x - 4]]]]