Examples: Management
Mathematica Link for Excel easily tackles critical management
problems regarding staffing, transportation and delivery. Here, a
minimum-cost strategy for staffing to meet a 24-hour productivity
requirement is determined—perhaps a quality-control department
supervising an assembly line, or representatives for a bank's
customer-service number. Each type of employee
(here full-time, part-time and full-time employees working overtime) has
a productivity profile (the number of inspections or phone calls they can
handle every shift) and a salary amount.
From the provided input parameters, Mathematica computes the
optimal number of employees and the times at which they should start
work. An Excel bar chart is
used to display the optimal strategy. Having linear optimization logic
imbedded in a custom Mathematica function lets you optimize your
worksheet with a function call. You can modify input parameters as
frequently as you choose and the new optimum will be instantaneously
updated—no need to run any macros.