Features: MathematicaLink
The MathematicaLink component of Mathematica Link for
Excel gives Microsoft Excel users immediate access
to Mathematica's computational power and graphics
capabilities. Just load the MathematicaLink add-in to use it
from Excel.
Intuitive user-interface components allow you to communicate
with Mathematica from Excel.
Interact via the Mathematica toolbar,
the Mathematica context menu and the Mathematica menu.
If you are unsure of the name of a Mathematica function or
how to use it, or want to explore the functions Mathematica has
to offer, the Mathematica function wizard provides an easy way
to access this information directly in Excel.
Find and learn about functions using
the Mathematica function wizard.
Specify arguments using
the Mathematica function wizard.
Specify options using the Mathematica
function wizard.
Mathematica Link for Excel makes it easy to create Excel
macros that call Mathematica.
Manage your macros using
the Mathematica macros dialog.
Create spreadsheet formulas and macros that
call Mathematica.
An intelligent clipboard makes it easy to eliminate copy-and-paste
errors and to clean up data.
Copy data using the interactive Mathematica
clipboard window.