Mathematica Link for Excel

Who's It For?

Mathematica Link for Excel is an essential tool for finance professionals, business professionals, life scientists, engineers, physical scientists, social scientists, educators and others who want to use Excel and need to expand its computational and graphical capabilities. But just don't take our word for it. Here's what some Mathematica Link for Excel reviewers and users have to say.

"All in all, a delight to use."

Felix Grant, Scientific Computing World

"I am very satisfied with Mathematica Link for Excel. I think the product has a full feature set, and I would highly recommend it to other financial engineers."

Peter Scherer, Trader, Ubique, Inc.

"I would encourage others to use Mathematica Link for Excel as a bridge to the powerful functionality of Mathematica."

David R. Collins, Researcher in Mathematical Psychology, Indiana University

In fact, Mathematica itself is relied upon by millions of enthusiastic professionals and students in science, echnology, engineering, finance, medicine, research and education around the world. Find out what's being said about Mathematica.