The Mechanism Prototyping System

LinkageDesigner is a Mathematica application package for virtual prototyping of linkages. It is designed to analyze, synthesize and simulate linkages with serial chain, tree and graph structures. Using the symbolic calculation capabilities of Mathematica, it supports fully parametrized linkage definition and analysis. The package supports the geometric, kinematic, static and dynamic analysis of linkages. It could be easily integrated and interfaced with any mechanism related to design workflow.
Key Features
- Generalized coordinate-based modeling of mechanisms with open and closed graphs
- Copying, joining and merging mechanisms with LinkageData manipulation
- Geometric and kinematic modeling of gears and gear-trains
- Import CAD geometries
- Static and dynamical analysis of linkages
- Extensive support for dimensional synthesis and classification of four-bar mechanisms
- Mass properties (mass, moment of inertia, center of gravity, etc.) calculation of any polyhedral type Graphics3D geometries
Package documentation is included and available in the Wolfram Language Documentation Center.
About the Developer
Dr. Gábor Erdős, the developer of LinkageDesigner, is a senior research assistant in the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science. Formerly, he was a postdoctoral assistant in the CAD laboratory of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. He received his PhD from the Technical University of Budapest. He completed his MSc studies in the faculty of mechanical and aerospace engineering at State University of New York at Buffalo. He has worked in the field of computer-aided mechanism design and CAD-CAM-CNC integration for many years. His main research interests include computer-aided mechanism modeling, digital manufacturing and knowledge management techniques.
Product Support
LinkageDesigner is developed and supported by Dr. Gábor Erdős.
Szigetvári u. 52/a H-1222 Budapest HUNGARY +36-0(1)-424-7611 email: web:
LinkageDesigner 2.6 requires Mathematica 11 and is available for all Mathematica platforms.
LinkageDesigner is © 2005–2018 Dr. Gábor Erdős.