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MechanicalSystems contains a library of two- and three-dimensional geometric constraints that can be used to model mechanical relationships. And, custom algebraic constraints can be defined to model nongeometric or control relationships.
MechanicalSystems' cam constraints support both analytic and mapped cam profiles.
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If mass properties are defined for the bodies in a model, MechanicalSystems can calculate the inertial loads on the model and the resulting reaction forces.
After building a model, the next step is running it. In this particular case, the constraint equations are solved for a certain crank angle, and the coordinants of each of the bodies of the model are returned.
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MechanicalSystems uses gear constraints to model nominal gear relationships (i.e., only the nominal rotary motion is modeled, not the tooth-to-tooth interactions of an involute gear set; however, a single pair of involute gear teeth can be modeled as a pair of cam surfaces).

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By applying loads to a model, one can solve for static reaction forces at mechanism joints.
MechanicalSystems performs motion analysis of underconstrained systems including static equilibrium analysis as well as velocity equilibrium analysis.
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MechanicalSystems also includes advanced methods of kinematic modeling such as multistage mechanisms.
Object-oriented, model-building commands can be used to easily assemble constraints into a complete mechanism that can be solved for component position, velocity and acceleration.
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