Explore different angles. Drag the slider to change the angle:
The arrangement you get with the golden angle is very sensitive to changes in the angle. Changing the angle by a tiny amount from the golden angle—just one tenth of a degree here—destroys the nice packing:
ga = 360./GoldenRatio^2; Graphics[{PointSize[.03], Red,
Sqrt[t] {Sin[t (ga + 0.1) \[Degree]],
Cos[t (ga + 0.1) \[Degree]]}, {t, 400}]]}]
Make an interactive interface to explore angles using Manipulate.
Wrap the Graphics expression with Manipulate, replace the fixed angle ga with the variable a, and specify that a ranges from 0 to 360, with an initial value of ga. The option Appearance“Labeled” puts the angle value next to the slider, so you can see how it changes as you drag the slider:
ga = 360./GoldenRatio^2;
Graphics[{Red, PointSize[.03],
Sqrt[t] {Sin[t a \[Degree]], Cos[t a \[Degree]]}, {t, 400}]]}],
{{a, ga, "angle"}, 0, 360, Appearance -> "Labeled"}
ga = 360./GoldenRatio^2;
Graphics[{Red, PointSize[.03],
Sqrt[t] {Sin[t a \[Degree]], Cos[t a \[Degree]]}, {t, 400}]]}],
{{a, ga, "angle"}, 0, 360, Appearance -> "Labeled"}