Find how to get from one word to another through a “ladder” of words that each differ by one letter.
Run the code to get a list of dictionary words that start with “z” and have four letters. Get words that have other patterns of letters (e.g. start with “a”, then have four letters):
Find the five words that are “nearest” to “elephant”. Try out different words and see which other words are “nearest” (e.g. try your name):
Note: upper and lower case are considered different.
Find all the words that differ from “fish” by one letter. Try out different words to find words that differ from them by one letter (e.g. try your name):
Note: longer words may have no nearby other words.
Make a network. Try making networks using different numbers than 2, 1, and 10:
Make a network of words that differ by one letter. Try making networks for different classes of words (e.g. words beginning with “w” instead of “q”):
Note: this will take a long time if your class of words is big.
Run the first expression to set up a network of words with four letters. Then try some different words with four letters in the second expression (e.g. “pigs” or “nose”) to find word ladders between them:
Note: the words need to be in the dictionary.
Run this after you’ve run the previous expression: