Ingeniería química

Diseñe, construya y analice maquinaria de procesos, incluyendo reactores, calderas y bombas. Resuelva problemas de transferencia de calor y diseñe sistemas de control.

Chemical Equilibrium

Most chemical reactions are not irreversible and in fact go in both directions. However, all reversible reactions reach a steady state in which the concentrations of the substrates within the reaction become constant. In this virtual lab, you will learn to model a reversible chemical reaction and analyze the dynamics of the reaction. You will learn about equilibrium constants and reaction rates.

Modeling a Reversible Reaction

Use various built-in components of a reaction such as substrates and reaction types to model the reversible reaction. Connect these components and define their initial values.

An equilibrium reaction of two reactants A and B and one product C.


Calculate the forward and reverse rates and analyze the dynamics of the reversible reaction for different initial concentrations of the substrates.


Use the Wolfram Language to carry out custom analysis.

Variation of chemical composition as reaction progresses.

Explore the High School Chemistry Labs to learn more