
System Modelerを使うと,電気回路,パワーエレクトロニクス,電気機械を構築し,研究することができます.電気と機械のコンポーネントを組み合せて完全なシステムモデルを構築したり,解析タスクを実行して性能を測定したりできます.

DC Motor: Real‐Time Simulation

SystemModeler 4 gives users the possibility to control simulations directly from Mathematica. This example shows how a DC motor reacts to inputs from a user in real time.


System ModelerとMathematicaの最新版



DC Motor Model

The physical model is a model of a DC motor, combining electrical and mechanical elements. The speed is read by a sensor, and the output is fed back to the user.

The motor starts with zero initial speed, and the motor then tries to adjust to the constant speed input, one, as fast as possible. The user input to the system is then added to the reference speed, and the motor will try to adjust to the reference speed.

The model of the motor is easily connected to inputs from Mathematica with the real‐time interface.

A dynamic input variable is provided to the simulation and is visualized in real time, together with the output from the experiment.

Real‐time simulations

Control an experiment in real time with input from Mathematica.