無人航空機(UAV),宇宙ロボット,航空力学等の複雑系をモデル化しテストします.System Modelerを使うと,システムレベルおよびコンポーネントレベルの設計および継続的なテストと検証が可能です.
Aircraft Weight Estimation
How can you evaluate aircraft designs for maximum takeoff weight, fuel consumption or maneuverability, if the component weight data is not available? This example uses a weight estimation method to derive the mass properties from aircraft geometry and a few design variables.
The Model
Two models of a Boeing 737-800, one with known mass properties and the other with estimated mass properties, are compared.
Compare Fuel Consumption
In this particular case, the weight estimation method resulted in a slightly underestimated weight, leading to smaller throttle demand and smaller fuel consumption.
Response to Design Constraints
Both the aircraft fulfill the constraints set on the load factor and dynamic pressure during the flight. The values of the constraints are used for the weight estimation method and thereby will also affect the estimated mass properties.
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