Ciencias de la vida

Use System Modeler para el modelado y análisis en el descubrimiento de medicamentos, su desarrollo, pruebas clínicas y fabricación. El entorno flexible admite áreas de aplicación tales como biología de sistemas, bioinformática y más.

Glycolysis: Study Oscillations in Yeast Cells

Glycolytic oscillations in yeast cells of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a well-studied phenomenon. This example simulates the oscillations near a so-called Hopf bifurcation. Changing a parameter slightly around the bifurcation point qualitatively changes the behavior of the system.

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Las versiones más recientes de System Modeler y Mathematica.

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Import SBML Models

Easily import the model in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) format.

Simulate Different Scenarios

Compare how small changes in the bifurcation parameter affect the oscillations of protein and molecule concentrations.

BioChem example model
for yeast glycolysis
Cytosol component
ATP oscillations on different
sides of the bifurcation point

Visualize Biological Reaction Networks

Use the built-in BioChem library to visualize and simulate the model.

Hynne et al., 2001. Full-scale model of glycolysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Biophys Chem. 94(1–2):121–63.