Interact with existing CDF files using Wolfram Player. »
Find out more about Wolfram Notebooks, the ultimate environment for technical workflows. »
Getting Started with CDF
CDFs can be created in Mathematica or other Wolfram content creation products in just a few lines of code, with little programming experience. From a simple start, you can build up complex interactive documents and applications.
How to Get Started:
1. Watch brief videos: Creating a Knowledge App in 60 Seconds and Making Documents Interactive
with CDF.
2. Download a free trial of Mathematica or sign up for a Wolfram Cloud Account. Comprehensive documentation is available on how to create CDFs, interactive controls and many other topics.
3. Repurpose the source code of thousands of notebooks available from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project. For example, a Demonstration's source could be as straightforward as the code shown below.
4. Visit the Resources section to learn more »