Computable Document Format (CDF) is a legacy document type.
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Interact with existing CDF files using Wolfram Player. »
Find out more about Wolfram Notebooks, the ultimate environment for technical workflows. »
Why Use the Computable Document Format (CDF)?
CDF offers content creators easy-to-author interactivity and convenient deployment options—empowering their readers to drive content and generate results live.
Key Advantages of CDF:
Broader communication pipeline: Create content as everyday as a document, but as interactive
as an app.
Built-in computation: Let the reader drive new discovery—live.
Easy-to-author interactivity: Use automated functions and plain English input instead of specialist programming skills for a wide range of applications.
Deployment flexibility: Create once—deploy as slide shows, reports, books, applications, and web objects.
Integrated knowledge: Access specialized algorithms, data, and visualizations for hundreds of subjects.