Writing Scripts and Alphabets
The Alphabet function returns the list of characters in a given language, alphabet, or writing script.
Alphabet[Entity["Alphabet", "English::ff9sd"]]
Alphabet[Entity["Alphabet", "SerbianCyrillic::933zb"]]
Alphabet[Entity["Alphabet", "Hindi::7cxj8"]]
The alphabet of a writing script refers in general to the most common base letters used by alphabets of that writing script.
Alphabet[Entity["WritingScript", "Latin::6tr5q"]]
Alphabet[Entity["WritingScript", "Arabic::3y92v"]]
Alphabet[Entity["WritingScript", "Devanagari::t85j5"]]
The alphabet of a language is usually the same as the main alphabet used in this language.
Alphabet[Entity["Language", "Georgian"]]
If a language uses more than one alphabet, applying Alphabet will return the most common alphabet used by that language.
Alphabet[Entity["Language", "Serbian"]]
It is common that an alphabet does not use all the characters from its writing script.
Entity["Language", "Russian"]["WritingScripts"]
Alphabet[Entity["WritingScript", "Cyrillic::73gxm"]]
Alphabet[Entity["Language", "Russian"]]
Russian and Cyrillic (Russian's writing script) contain different sets of letters.
Complement[Alphabet[Entity["WritingScript", "Cyrillic::73gxm"]],
Alphabet[Entity["Language", "Russian"]]]
The Latin language and the Latin alphabet must not be confused with the Latin writing script.
Alphabet[Entity["Language", "Latin"]]
The classical Latin alphabet does not include a few (now common) writing script letters.
Complement[Alphabet[Entity["WritingScript", "Latin::6tr5q"]],
Alphabet[Entity["Alphabet", "Latin::x7687"]]]
And in this case, if the input is the simple "Latin" string, it will assume the writing script.
Also, many alphabets include diacritics, ligatures, and double characters as part of their basic set of letters.
Alphabet[Entity["Alphabet", "Slovak::kj62d"]]
You can build a table with the difference between the set of letters for some alphabets and their writing scripts.