‹›Units & DatesCompare Time Zones
Get the current numeric offset from GMT for Central Time.
TimeZoneOffset[Entity["TimeZone", "America/Chicago"]]
Get the offset relative to a different time zone on a specific date.
TimeZoneOffset[Entity["TimeZone", "America/Chicago"],
Entity["TimeZone", "Europe/London"], DateObject[{2015, 3, 7}]]
Get a geographical representation of a time zone's region.
GeoGraphics[{Orange, Polygon[Entity["TimeZone", "Europe/London"]]}]
Compare the difference in offset for various parts of Indiana between two dates.
show complete Wolfram Language input
zones = {Entity["TimeZone", "America/Chicago"],
Entity["TimeZone", "America/New_York"],
Entity["TimeZone", "America/Indiana/Indianapolis"],
Entity["TimeZone", "America/Indiana/Knox"],
Entity["TimeZone", "America/Indiana/Marengo"],
Entity["TimeZone", "America/Indiana/Petersburg"],
Entity["TimeZone", "America/Indiana/Tell_City"],
Entity["TimeZone", "America/Indiana/Vevay"],
Entity["TimeZone", "America/Indiana/Vincennes"],
Entity["TimeZone", "America/Indiana/Winamac"]};
colorFunction[-6.] = Yellow;
colorFunction[-5.] = Orange;
colorFunction[-4.] = Red;
Map[With[{date = #},
Rule[#, colorFunction[ TimeZoneOffset[#, "GMT", date]]] & /@
zones, PlotLabel ->
DateString[#, {"MonthName", " ", "Day", " ", "Year"}],
GeoRange ->
Entity["AdministrativeDivision", {"Indiana",
PlotStyle -> Opacity[.5]]] &, {DateObject[{2005, 2, 1}],
DateObject[{2005, 5, 1}], DateObject[{2007, 2, 1}],
DateObject[{2007, 5, 1}]}
], 2]],
SwatchLegend[colorFunction /@ {-6., -5., -4.}, {-6., -5., -4.},
LegendLabel -> "GMT Offset"]]