System Modelerを使うと,電気回路,パワーエレクトロニクス,電気機械を構築し,研究することができます.電気と機械のコンポーネントを組み合せて完全なシステムモデルを構築したり,解析タスクを実行して性能を測定したりできます.
Path Planning and Control of an Industrial Robot
Path planning has important applications in many areas such as industrial robotics, autonomous systems, and virtual prototyping. This industrial robot has a path-planning algorithm to find the optimal way between two arbitrary points and controllers to adjust the movements of each revolute joint.
Use Built-in Models
Access the built-in example models to study and use as building blocks.
Real-Time Simulation
Run the simulation at the same speed as the physical robot.
Automatic 3D Animation
This animation is automatically created based on the model's layout.
Path Planning
Compare how the actual paths correspond to the planned paths of the robot.
Wolfram System Modeler
System ModelerはWindows,macOS,
日本語と英語でご利用になれます »
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