Ingeniería eléctrica

Utilice System Modeler para construir y estudiar circuitos eléctricos, electrónica de potencia y maquinaria eléctrica. Combine componentes eléctricos y mecánicos para crear modelos de sistemas completos. Realice tareas de análisis y mida el rendimiento.

Sequential Circuits: Create and Test Designs

Sequential circuits are widely used in modern devices such as computers and smartphones to store information. In this lab, you will learn to design memory elements like latches and flip-flops that can store binary information.

Create Your Model

Create a model of a frequency divider. The model consists of two JK flip-flops. The input clock signal is used as a reference to create pulses of different frequencies.

Frequency divider circuit using flip-flops.

Test Your Circuit

Check how the source frequency, L3, is divided into two different frequencies, L1 and L2.

The sequential circuit is tested using Arduino Leonardo.

Explore the College Digital Electronics labs to learn more