Productos de consumo

Diseñe electrodomésticos y otros sistemas electrónicos con System Modeler e incorpore con facilidad elementos no electrónicos, tales como montajes mecánicos y control de temperatura, en el diseño completo.

Simulation of Changing Refrigerator Temperatures

Real-world systems often exhibit rapid changes or discontinuities that must be resolved accurately during numerical simulation. This example simulates a household refrigerator freezer in several scenarios, correctly handling events such as the sudden triggering of a thermostat or the opening of a compartment door.

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Hybrid Discrete-Continuous Simulation

Correctly handle discontinuities associated with opening and closing compartment doors and with thermostats triggered by changing temperatures.

Multi-Domain Modeling

Combine different physical domains, including fluid heat flow (air circulation), thermal (food and insulation), and signal processing (thermostat).

Air temperature and frozen food temperature
in the main freezer compartment
Temperature of air (green) and fresh food (blue) after adding hot food (red) to a
normally loaded and near-empty refrigerator
Thermostat-controlled air exchanger between
refrigerator and freezer compartments

Simulate Different Scenarios

Compare performance under different conditions, such as the addition of hot food to a normally loaded versus a near-empty refrigerator compartment.