Wolfram U

Learning Resources for the
Computational Universe

Wolfram U offers free open interactive courses, certifications, training events and other educational resources for professional and technical development. Explore a range of computational fields, build your knowledge of Wolfram Language, complete courses and get certified by a world-recognized leader in technical innovation.

Explore Computational Fields

Data Science

Machine Learning & LLMs

Computational Thinking

Programming & Applications

Visualization & Graphics


Image & Signal Processing


Modeling & Simulation

STEM Classroom

Learn Wolfram Tech

Wolfram Language & Mathematica

Wolfram Notebooks

Quick Starts

Language Integrations

Wolfram Cloud & Mathematica Online

Repositories & Deployment

Get Certified

Pursue a Certification from Wolfram U

Demonstrate your competency and expertise in computational subject areas and formalize your proficiency in Wolfram technologies.

  • Official Wolfram Certification

    Earn certification that verifies your proficiency from a computational technology leader.

  • Easily Shareable

    Add to your resume, CV and application forms and post to professional profiles.

  • Showcase Your Progress

    Collect completion certificates as you work toward Level 1 and Level 2 certifications.

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Wolfram certified instructors are science and technology experts from around the globe.


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Course Catalog

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