Wolfram U

Multiparadigm Data Science

  • Interactive Course
  • 5 h 30 min
  • Intermediate
  • 3 Certifications

Estimated Time: 5 h 30 min

Course Level: Intermediate

Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of the Wolfram Language

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1Level 2


Multiparadigm Data Science is a rapidly advancing new way to use modern analytical techniques, automated machine learning and human-data interfaces to arrive at better answers. This course introduces the basic concepts of the multiparadigm approach, demonstrating both the flexible, integrated project workflow and the broad computational toolkit that supports it from start to finish. Discover best practices, exploration techniques and ways to leverage high-level Wolfram Language to get real, quantifiable answers to the full range of data science problems.

Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)

You'll Learn To

Build an end-to-end data science workflow

Wrangle and clean different types of data

Assemble a multiparadigm toolkit for analysis and visualization

Examine and combine data from multiple sources

Perform visual exploratory data analysis

Communicate results effectively with a variety of visualizations and interactive interfaces

Certifications Available

  • Completion Certificate

    Certify your completion of this course by watching course videos and passing the auto-graded quizzes.

    Track My Progress
  • Level 1 Certification

    Pass the auto-graded quizzes and complete course exercises to certify your proficiency in Multiparadigm Data Science.

    Track My Progress
  • Level 2 Certification

    Submit an independent project to demonstrate your applied expertise in Multiparadigm Data Science.

    See Details

About This Interactive Course

It's free and easy to get started with open interactive courses using the Wolfram Cloud—sign in with your Wolfram ID or create one. No plan is required. This full interactive course includes video lessons, quizzes, exercises and a scratch notebook, all in an easy-to-use interface. From the interactive course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go.