Wolfram Language Programming Fundamentals
- Instructor Led
- 3 h
- Intermediate
- 2 Certifications
Estimated Time: 3 h
Course Level: Intermediate
Requirements: This course does not require experience with Wolfram Language. It is a suitable course for those with introductory-level skill in any programming language who want to further develop Wolfram Language programming skills.
Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1

This course teaches the fundamental concepts of programming in Wolfram Language. It features concise lecture sections, lesson notebooks with self-check exercises for further study and tips for writing Wolfram Language code. A Wolfram certified instructor guides the class session and presents interactive polls to enhance understanding. This course provides a solid introduction to anyone who wants to develop an understanding of programming in Wolfram Language from the ground up. It is the first course in the Wolfram Language Programming Proficiency three-part sequence, to be followed by the courses Practical Programming and Programming and Development.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)
- Lists and Associations: Learn about the most common data structures in Wolfram Language and how they can be used to collect and organize any type of information.
- Assignments, Rules and Patterns: Understand how Wolfram Language handles a common task of programming—defining variables and functions. Learn about using pattern matching and replacement rules to transform expressions.
- Syntax and Expressions: Discover the fundamental building blocks of Wolfram Language and how they can be put together to build more complex code. Build an intuition for the structure of expressions, allowing you to code effectively and efficiently.
- Writing a Program: Choose functions that best match your programming style. Learn some quick tips and tricks helpful for programming in Wolfram Language.
- Register Now
Tuesday, June 10
1–3pm CDT, 6–8pm UTC/GMT| Online | FreeYour local time
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Certifications Available
Completion Certificate
Certify your completion of this course by attending an online class and passing the quiz.
Level 1 Certification
This course provides excellent preparation for taking the Wolfram Language Level 1 certification exam.
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