Wolfram U

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269 results

3D Game Development in Wolfram Language
Video Lesson | FREE

You can create an interactive 3D video game entirely in the Wolfram environment, using Wolfram Language and the notebook front end interface.

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Computational Xplorations
Instructor Led | FREE

Requirements: This course requires no prior knowledge of Wolfram Language or Mathematica.

Certification Levels: Completion

Discover how to interactively explore nearly any field using computation. See how computational thinking—a modern blend of critical analysis and information processing—can be applied to almost any field, from cartography to machine learning–powered 3D facial reconstruction. You'll learn practical ways to use knowledge-based programming workflows in your classroom, research project or company. This class introduces innovative methods for discovering ideas and insights using the computational intelligence of Wolfram Language, the user-friendly coding environment of Wolfram Notebooks and the curated real-world knowledge of the Wolfram Knowledgebase.

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Creative Computation
Interactive Course | FREE

Requirements: This course requires no prior knowledge of Mathematica or the Wolfram Language.

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1

Explore core programming concepts by creating visual art, poetry and video games using built-in Wolfram Language functions and the Wolfram Notebook interface. Learn to use coding and computation as tools to develop your creative potential and build a portfolio of computationally creative work.

Course Overview
  • Section 118 minutes
  • Section 225 minutes
  • Section 329 minutes
  • Section 420 minutes
  • Section 533 minutes
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Introduction to Geo Graphics in Wolfram Language
Video Lesson | FREE

This video shows you how to make interesting and dynamic maps and plots using Wolfram Language's built-in functions. Examples include vector plots, elevation charts and satellite imagery.

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Introduction to Graphics Rendering and Shading
Video Lesson | FREE

This video covers graphics objects and includes topics such as the basics of rendering, realistic 2D and 3D shading effects, artistic shading models and realistic shading with physically based rendering.

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Introduction to Machine Learning in Wolfram Language

Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of Wolfram Language.

Certification Levels: Completion

This course introduces some of the basic concepts of machine learning as well as easy-to-use machine learning superfunctions available in Wolfram Language. You will learn how to perform supervised and unsupervised learning tasks with just a few lines of code.

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Introduction to Neural Networks in Wolfram Language
Instructor Led | FREE

Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of Wolfram Language.

Certification Levels: Completion

This course provides an introduction to the state-of-the-art Neural Net Framework in Wolfram Language. Learn about the Neural Net Repository and transfer learning, as well as how to train, test and look inside a neural net.

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Mastering Manipulates and Palettes for Easy User Interfaces
Video Course | FREE

Wolfram Language offers a rich environment with a variety of built-in tools for building and automating dynamic and interactive interfaces. You can easily deploy and share apps, notebooks, palettes and other interfaces within Wolfram Notebooks or on the Wolfram Cloud.

Course Overview
  • Video 125 minutes
  • Video 28 minutes
  • Video 39 minutes
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Problem Solving for Competitive Math
Video Lesson | FREE

In this video, learn about the principles used to solve typical problems from competitive math programs as well as the tools and functions available in Wolfram Language. Explore sample problems from the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME), Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) and Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC) programs.

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The Neural Net Framework: A Gentle Introduction
Video Course | FREE

Learn how neural networks can be viewed as differentiable programs in the context of calculus. The course covers fundamental concepts related to building, training and validating neural net models. See how the symbolic nature of Wolfram Language and the Neural Net Framework itself make it easy to take apart layers in the network and create visualizations to help you understand how it works.

Course Overview
  • Video 111 minutes
  • Video 28 minutes
  • Video 311 minutes
  • Video 47 minutes
  • Video 54 minutes
  • Video 617 minutes
  • Video 76 minutes
  • Video 84 minutes
  • Video 912 minutes
  • Video 104 minutes
  • Video 1119 minutes
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Using LSP to Develop Wolfram Language Code in Text Editors and IDEs
Video Lesson | FREE

The official Sublime Text package and VS Code extension make it easier to write Wolfram Language in those environments with text coloring and semantic highlighting. The video begins with a brief explanation of how Language Server Protocol (LSP) was used to create the add-ons for other text editors. The video then walks you through the features of the packages that make it easier to write and organize code.

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Wolfram Data Science Boot Camp
Special Event | See Page for Details

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1Level 2

Learn how to leverage the capabilities of Wolfram Language to deliver world-class data science results in this two-week online boot camp. Interact with experts on machine learning, generative AI, dynamic visualization, automated reporting and notebook-based interactive workflows.

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Wolfram Language and LLMs
Instructor Led | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

Modern LLMs can be incorporated into traditional computational workflows and used to power programming operations. This course will show you different ways you can use LLM technology alongside Wolfram Language, including how to use the conversational interface of Chat Notebooks and the programmatic operations possible with LLM functions.

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Wolfram Language for Geosciences
Video Lesson | FREE

Learn how to access built-in geographic data in the Wolfram Knowledgebase. Work with, plot and map data from both the Knowledgebase and external sources.

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Wolfram Language for Life Sciences & Medicine
Video Lesson | FREE

Learn how to use Wolfram Language to access built-in data and visualizations of medical and genomic data. Build simple machine learning models to process medical data and images.

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Wolfram Notebooks as a Game Engine
Video Lesson | FREE

Wolfram Notebooks are a flexible, interactive way to write programs and create user interfaces. With some easy-to-use, built-in tools, you can make video games that run entirely within Wolfram Notebooks.

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Wolfram Tools for LLMs
Instructor Led | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

Modern LLMs can be incorporated into traditional computational workflows and used to power programming operations. This course will show you different ways you can use LLM technology alongside Wolfram Language, including how to use the conversational interface of Chat Notebooks and the programmatic operations possible with LLM functions.

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Zero to AI in 60 Minutes
Video Course | FREE

Follow this video series to get started with machine learning in Wolfram Language. Examples demonstrate machine learning concepts and the automated machine learning capabilities in Wolfram Language.

Course Overview
  • Video 17 minutes
  • Video 28 minutes
  • Video 311 minutes
  • Video 415 minutes
  • Video 521 minutes
  • Video 611 minutes
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Daily Study Group: Getting Started with Mathematica and Wolfram Language
Special Event | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

Learn to use Mathematica and the programming language at its core—Wolfram Language. Start with basic explorations to get familiar with the syntax and then learn to use Wolfram GPT as a guide for writing snippets of code. Find your way through the documentation on 6000+ built-in functions and learn to use them for a range of programming tasks. You will learn to write your own functions, create visualizations, add interactivity and utilize the notebook interface to both create and present your analysis. No prior programming knowledge is required, and even seasoned users will pick up a useful trick or two.

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Daily Study Group: Introduction to Calculus
Special Event | FREE

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1

This Daily Study Group follows lessons, exercises and quizzes from the Wolfram U comprehensive introduction to calculus course and provides excellent preparation for the AP Calculus AB exam. We start with functions and limits, followed by differential calculus and its applications, and then move on to integral calculus and its applications.

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Daily Study Group: Introduction to Electric Circuits
Special Event | FREE

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1

This Daily Study Group explores the fundamentals of electric circuits using Wolfram Language and Wolfram System Modeler. User-friendly diagrams, visualizations and models help to demonstrate, in an intuitive way, how electric circuits behave. The first two sessions of this Study Group will cover circuit components and basic theoretical concepts. Later sessions will focus on circuit analysis methods and how to analyze and design circuits using operational amplifiers.

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Data Visualization Quick Start
Video Lesson | FREE

Harness the power of the Wolfram Language to interactively visualize your data. Start with simple charts, add labels and legends and then customize the appearance. In a series of examples, you'll learn to process and incorporate additional data and create specialized visual elements, resulting in a rich interface that allows you to interactively explore your data in depth. Topics include general options for adding styles and labels to your charts, enhancing your data with wrappers and metadata and writing custom rendering functions that make use of the metadata to show additional levels of information. The class is suitable for those who have an interest in creating charts using the Wolfram Language but who have little experience with the system.

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Discrete Calculus with Wolfram Language
Video Course | FREE

This course discusses the basics, history and real-world applications of discrete calculus as well as associated Wolfram Language functionality.

Course Overview
  • Video 15 minutes
  • Video 210 minutes
  • Video 39 minutes
  • Video 49 minutes
  • Video 512 minutes
  • Video 611 minutes
  • Video 712 minutes
  • Video 811 minutes
  • Video 912 minutes
  • Video 1019 minutes
  • Video 1120 minutes
  • Video 1213 minutes
  • Video 1317 minutes
  • Video 148 minutes
  • Video 1513 minutes
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Getting Started with Machine Learning
Video Lesson | FREE

This video is a broad introduction to what you can do with machine learning in Wolfram Language.

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Course Type

  • Interactive Courses
  • Video Lessons
  • Video Courses
  • Instructor-led Courses
  • Archived and Special Events

Interactive Courses

Also known as MOOCs (massive open online courses), these courses are hosted on the Wolfram Cloud and allow you to interactively explore concepts using Wolfram Language functionality.

  • Self-paced with progress tracking

  • Include video lessons, exercises and problems, quizzes, exams and a scratch notebook

  • Sharable completion certificates available for all courses

  • Wolfram Level 1 proficiency certifications available for select courses

Video Lessons

Short recorded lessons that provide limited instruction on a computational topic or for using Wolfram tech.

  • Quick-start videos

  • Lessons from content experts

  • A wide variety of beginner-level lessons

  • Free to watch

Video Courses

Video series that build on preceding lessons to provide comprehensive instruction.

  • Each video course features a playlist of sequential lessons

  • Recorded by Wolfram certified instructors

  • Comprehensive coverage of a particular topic

  • Free to watch

Instructor-led Courses

Scheduled as online and in-person classes, these courses provide comprehensive instruction guided by a live instructor.

  • Registration required to reserve your seat

  • Taught by Wolfram certified instructors

  • Opportunity to pose live questions to experts in the room

  • Course completion certificates available

Archived and Special Events

Presentations by Wolfram developers, content experts and instructors.

  • Webinars on special topics and new release functionality

  • Livecoding sessions

  • Wolfram Daily Study Groups

  • Free to watch