Wolfram Certifications
Promote your proficiencies and build your skills with Wolfram certifications. From free learning resources to computational explorations, Wolfram U is your partner for professional and technical development.
Why Wolfram Certification?
Proficiency in Image Processing

Proficiency in Image Processing
Level 1 certification
This certification is available with the free interactive course Introduction to Image Processing. Pass the auto-graded quizzes and complete course exercises to certify your proficiency in image processing. From the course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go.
- Quizzes
- Exercises
Proficiency in Linear Algebra

Proficiency in Linear Algebra
Level 1 certification
This certification is available with the free interactive course Introduction to Linear Algebra. Pass the auto-graded quizzes and final exam to certify your proficiency in linear algebra. From the course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go.
- Quizzes
- Exam
Proficiency in Multiparadigm Data Science

Proficiency in Multiparadigm Data Science
Level 1 certification
This certification is available with a free interactive course. Pass the auto-graded quizzes and exercises to certify your proficiency in data science. From the course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go. Level 1 certification is also available to boot camp participants. Learn more about Wolfram Data Science Boot Camp here.
- Quizzes
- Exercises
Proficiency in Multivariable Calculus

Proficiency in Multivariable Calculus
Level 1 certification
This certification is available with a free interactive course. Pass the auto-graded quizzes and final exam to certify your proficiency in multivariable calculus. From the course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go.
- Quizzes
- Exam
Proficiency in Probability

Proficiency in Probability
Level 1 certification
This certification is available with the free interactive course Introduction to Probability. Pass the auto-graded quizzes and final exam to certify your proficiency in probability. From the course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go.
- Quizzes
- Exam
Proficiency in Statistics

Proficiency in Statistics
Level 1 certification
This certification is available with the free interactive course Introduction to Statistics. Pass the auto-graded quizzes and final exam to certify your proficiency in statistics. From the course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go.
- Quizzes
- Exam
Proficiency in Visual Explorations

Proficiency in Visual Explorations
Level 1 certification
This certification is available with a free interactive course. Pass the auto-graded quizzes and final exam to certify your proficiency in visual explorations. From the course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go.
- Quizzes
- Exam
Proficiency in Wolfram Language

Proficiency in Wolfram Language
Level 1 certification
This certification is available with the free interactive course An Elementary Introduction to Wolfram Language. Pass the auto-graded quizzes and complete course exercises to certify your proficiency in Wolfram Language. From the course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go.
- Quizzes
- Exercises
A Guide to Programming with Wolfram Language

A Guide to Programming with Wolfram Language
Completion certificate
This certificate is earned by watching course videos and passing the auto-graded quizzes. From the interactive course, click Track My Progress to chart your certification progress as you go.
- Video lessons
- Quizzes
Can I Spot a Cheat?

Can I Spot a Cheat?
Completion certificate
Certify your completion of this CBM Computational Thinking module by successfully completing activities and answering the questions in each chapter.
- Activities
Cause or Correlation?

Cause or Correlation?
Completion certificate
Certify your completion of this CBM Computational Thinking module by successfully completing activities and answering the questions in each chapter.
- Activities
Computational Xplorations

Computational Xplorations
Completion certificate
This certificate is earned by attending the instructor-led class and passing the auto-graded quiz.
- Online attendance
- Quiz
Certifications and Certificates
- Get Certified
- Attendance
- Completion
- Level 1
- Level 2
Why Wolfram Certification?
Wolfram is one of the world's most respected computer, web and cloud software companies and a pioneer in computation and computational knowledge. Wolfram certifications are available in a range of levels to help you develop your skills from any starting point.
- Easily shareable
- Add to your resume, CV and application forms
- Post to professional profiles
- Promote your skills and knowledge
Attendance Certificate
Receive a certificate to verify your presence at a Wolfram U class or event.
- Demonstrate your interest in professional and technical development
- Proof of attendance for continuing education credit
- Shareable with managers and other approvers
Program or Course Completion Certificate
Receive an instructor-signed certificate to verify your completion of Wolfram U programs and courses.
- Verify satisfactory completion of program and course objectives
- Proof of participation in live sessions or completion of video lessons
- Add to your resume, CV and professional networking profiles
Level 1 Proficiency Certification
Earn certification for proficiency in computational fields and Wolfram technologies.
- Demonstrate your expanding technical skills
- Proof of competency in a particular subject area
- Add to your resume, CV and application forms
- Post to professional profiles
Level 2 Applied Expertise Certification
Earn certification for applied expertise in a specific subject area.
- Verify satisfactory completion of a capstone project
- Demonstrate your ability to apply what you've learned
- Add to your resume, CV and application forms
- Post to professional profiles