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30 results

Introduction to Graphics Rendering and Shading
Video Lesson | FREE

This video covers graphics objects and includes topics such as the basics of rendering, realistic 2D and 3D shading effects, artistic shading models and realistic shading with physically based rendering.

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Video Creation, Editing and Analysis Using Wolfram Language
Video Course | FREE

Learn how to create, edit, process and analyze videos with Wolfram Language. You can capture videos using webcams, or create them using files, images, existing video clips or built-in functions that create individual frames. Then learn how to cut, alter and compose video footage with dedicated functions for video editing and processing. You can also learn how to enhance video quality, perform color correction and combine videos and images using overlays and grids. This course includes examples of applying machine learning and neural networks to process videos and recognize objects, faces, speech or actions in the videos.

Course Overview
  • Video 122 minutes
  • Video 225 minutes
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Analysis and Design of Control Systems

Analysis and Design of Control Systems
Video Lesson | FREE

Requirements: Some experience with control systems is recommended for the course.

This course shows how to work with the control systems objects created in Wolfram Language. Topics include frequency domain analysis, state space analysis, and state space design.

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Applying Neural Networks Webinar Series

Applying Neural Networks Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE

This webinar series takes you on a deep dive into the latest workflows for building, training and evaluating neural networks. See how neural net models are used to solve complex processing tasks involving image, audio and natural language data. Sessions include hands-on demonstrations, showing real-world applications using the latest built-in Wolfram Language functionality and neural net models. Pretrained models from the Neural Net Repository and customized models are shown.

Course Overview
  • Video 16 minutes
  • Video 245 minutes
  • Video 322 minutes
  • Video 46 minutes
  • Video 517 minutes
  • Video 642 minutes
  • Video 711 minutes
  • Video 88 minutes
  • Video 957 minutes
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Computational Audio

Computational Audio
Video Course | FREE

Investigate and analyze audio data and learn to easily add fun effects. These videos introduce the new integrated support for audio processing in the Wolfram Language and cover audio effects, audio synthesis and audio analysis. The processing and analysis techniques you learn here can be combined with comprehensive support for signal processing, statistical analysis and machine learning to enable easy prototyping of applications in various fields, including music, speech, communication and broadcasting.

Course Overview
  • Video 114 minutes
  • Video 222 minutes
  • Video 321 minutes
  • Video 429 minutes
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Control Systems

Control Systems
Video Course | FREE

Design, simulate and regulate complex engineering systems interactively with the Wolfram Language. This series covers various aspects of control systems, starting with a conceptual overview and continuing with in-depth discussions on system analysis and design, including both state-space and frequency domain applications. Various examples are introduced early on and expanded upon throughout the videos, including pendulum and suspension systems controls, loudspeaker simulation, live image tracking and more.

Course Overview
  • Video 133 minutes
  • Video 234 minutes
  • Video 327 minutes
  • Video 430 minutes
  • Video 520 minutes
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Data Science Friday Webinars: Insights from Images

Data Science Friday Webinars: Insights from Images
Archived Event | FREE

Learn about Wolfram's multiparadigm approach to doing data science. This series focuses mainly on image analysis—starting in outer space to study images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope and ending on London streets to analyze traffic images captured by "JamCams." Along the way, we stop by Mars to look at videos assembled from images taken by NASA rovers and dig into the geologic layers of South Asia as recorded by the US Geological Survey. Each webinar demonstrates the data science workflow and how to build a project pipeline through different stages, beginning with formulating questions, then wrangling and cleaning the data, performing exploratory data analysis and applying multiparadigm techniques to analyze the data, and finally, sharing the results.

Course Overview
  • Video 154 minutes
  • Video 292 minutes
  • Video 380 minutes
  • Video 478 minutes
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Deploying and Running a Custom Neural Net on Your Phone

Deploying and Running a Custom Neural Net on Your Phone
Video Lesson | FREE

Learn about creating and training a neural net image classifier application for the iPhone to identify different types of mushrooms. Follow along step by step with this tutorial using built-in Wolfram Language functions as well as external code and applications to create a fully functional app that can be immediately deployed to a phone and used right away.

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Frequency Domain Analysis and Design Applications

Frequency Domain Analysis and Design Applications
Video Lesson | FREE

Requirements: Some experience with control systems is recommended for the course.

This course gives a step-by-step approach to working with control systems and frequency domain applications using Wolfram Language. Each example begins with a problem definition and works toward a solution and a simulation using Bode plot and root locus plot manipulations.

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Image Processing and Analysis Quick Start

Image Processing and Analysis Quick Start
Video Lesson | FREE

This class introduces the highly optimized image processing tools and powerful functions available in the Wolfram Language for analyzing and manipulating image data. The class is for those who have an interest in learning how to use the Wolfram Language for image processing tasks. An introductory knowledge of the Wolfram Language and the field of image processing is recommended.

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Integrated Control Systems Quick Start

Integrated Control Systems Quick Start
Video Lesson | FREE

Requirements: Some experience with control systems is recommended for the course.

Explore the suite of control system tools available in Wolfram Language that can be used to do analysis, design and simulation of continuous- and discrete-time systems. Topics include the construction and manipulation of state-space and transfer-function models, system interconnections, frequency response plots, and controller design. Optimal control of an inverted pendulum, interactive pole placement, and Bode plot manipulation are among the examples.

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Introduction to Image Processing

Introduction to Image Processing
Interactive Course | FREE

Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of the Wolfram Language.

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1

Make cutting-edge image processing simple with Wolfram Language. Learn the fundamentals of digital image processing, including image representation and classical operations on images. This course emphasizes practical applications and understandable explanations of how image operations work. Numerous examples are included to illustrate standard applications.

Course Overview
  • Section 138 minutes
  • Section 241 minutes
  • Section 336 minutes
  • Section 426 minutes
  • Section 536 minutes
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Introductory Concepts of Control Systems

Introductory Concepts of Control Systems
Video Lesson | FREE

Requirements: Some experience with control systems is recommended for the course.

This video introduces the concepts and Wolfram Language functions used to model a dynamic system. Topics include the construction and manipulation of state-space and transfer function models, system properties, system interconnections and simulations.

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Learning to Tackle Real-World Computer Vision Applications

Learning to Tackle Real-World Computer Vision Applications
Video Lesson | FREE

How can you apply the deep learning framework integrated in the Wolfram Language for solving real-world image processing applications? This class explores some of the depth of the Wolfram Language's neural net framework capabilities and shows how the trained networks can be tweaked to suit a wide range of complex image analysis tasks. With the help of examples, you will gain practical insights into effectively leveraging neural nets for your own applications.

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Machine Learning Webinar Series

Machine Learning Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE

Learn how the new generation of neural nets in the Wolfram Language excels in image processing, audio analysis and natural language processing tasks. This three-part webinar series walks you through the Wolfram neural net framework and demonstrates some state-of-the-art applications.

Course Overview
  • Video 164 minutes
  • Video 293 minutes
  • Video 396 minutes
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Neural Network Applications: Audio Processing

Neural Network Applications: Audio Processing
Video Course | FREE

This course introduces neural network applications for audio processing. Learn about specific features of audio data and the need for a dedicated encoder. See examples of convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Get a glimpse of the fundamental building blocks of a neural network and their significance. You'll learn how to access neural network models from the Wolfram Neural Net Repository, build an audio classifier from scratch and understand the concept of "network surgery" for adapting a pre-defined network to use for audio analysis as well as for extracting data from a network for analysis and gaining insights. Finally, the technique of transfer learning is demonstrated for approaching complex problems.

Course Overview
  • Video 142 minutes
  • Video 242 minutes
  • Video 311 minutes
  • Video 48 minutes
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Neural Network Applications: Image Processing

Neural Network Applications: Image Processing
Video Course | FREE

This comprehensive video course introduces you to the relationship between image processing and neural networks. You'll learn about network components, using layers, how to build an image classifier and analyze existing networks, and processing features at different scales. Application examples are shared, starting with basic tools and moving on to more advanced architectures.

Course Overview
  • Video 147 minutes
  • Video 227 minutes
  • Video 345 minutes
  • Video 422 minutes
  • Video 56 minutes
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Neural Network Applications: Natural Language

Neural Network Applications: Natural Language
Video Course | FREE

This video course demonstrates the state-of the-art natural language processing capabilities in the Wolfram Language. Learn about the different pre-processing steps needed for text data and the process of embedding, or mapping a symbol to a numerical vector. Utilize neural net models for language or any sequence-based tasks. Discover the built-in function FindTextualAnswer that finds answers in sentences, paragraphs and unstructured collections of texts.

Course Overview
  • Video 150 minutes
  • Video 257 minutes
  • Video 322 minutes
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New in Wolfram Language 14 Webinar Series

New in Wolfram Language 14 Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE

Building on the amazing amount of new functionality released in Versions 13.0–13.3 of Wolfram Language, Version 14 delivers the fruits of the research and development collected over the past two years. The biggest news relates to AI and LLMs like ChatGPT. This webinar series starts with an overview presentation, with later webinars covering in-depth topics.

Course Overview
  • Video 175 minutes
  • Video 276 minutes
  • Video 391 minutes
  • Video 473 minutes
  • Video 563 minutes
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Real-World Image Processing Applications

Real-World Image Processing Applications
Video Lesson | FREE

Requirements: The course is for those who have a basic familiarity with image processing.

How can you solve real-world image processing problems with the Wolfram Language? How does the Wolfram Language's unique dynamic functionality let you quickly optimize image processing algorithms? This class will explore some of the Wolfram Language's image processing capabilities, how they integrate with other features of the Wolfram Language and how they can be combined to create powerful interactive tools. The class is for those who have a basic familiarity with image processing.

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Serious and Not-So-Serious Image Processing Applications

Serious and Not-So-Serious Image Processing Applications
Video Lesson | FREE

Requirements: The course is for those who have an interest in learning about image processing applications. Basic knowledge of Mathematica is recommended.

This video explains how to use the large range of image processing tools in the Wolfram Language to solve problems in different application areas and presents methods to construct robust algorithms for overcoming the stumbling blocks that visual data has to offer. Image processing tasks are visually appealing by their nature, and these examples are more fun because they include some not-so-serious image processing applications.

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Signals, Systems and Signal Processing

Signals, Systems and Signal Processing
Interactive Course | FREE

Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of the Wolfram Language.

Certification Levels: Completion

This course gives an introduction to the concepts, mathematics, principles and techniques of signal processing in linear, time-invariant (LTI) systems. The course covers analysis methods for both continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems, presents sampling and gives an elementary introduction to filter design. Many everyday signal processing examples are included. The concepts and methods of signals and systems presented here play an important role in many areas of science and engineering, and therefore the course should be of interest to a broad range of students.

Course Overview
  • Section 110 minutes
  • Section 251 minutes
  • Section 345 minutes
  • Section 440 minutes
  • Section 544 minutes
  • Section 644 minutes
  • Section 744 minutes
  • Section 836 minutes
  • Section 943 minutes
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State-Space Analysis and Design Applications

State-Space Analysis and Design Applications
Video Lesson | FREE

Requirements: Some experience with control systems is recommended for the course.

This video gives a step-by-step approach to working with control systems and state-space applications using Wolfram Language. Each example begins with a problem definition and works toward a solution and a simulation using controller design methods, including pole placement and optimal control.

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The Code behind Arrival

The Code behind Arrival
Archived Event | FREE

In this recorded livecoding session, Christopher Wolfram discusses the logogram analysis tools he created for the 2016 film Arrival, in response to the request from director Denis Villeneuve and his team to analyze the aliens' fictional, nonlinear visual language and provide code and visualizations for the screen. Christopher demonstrates the development processes he went through, as well as new explorations into the language.

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Course Type

  • Interactive Courses
  • Video Lessons
  • Video Courses
  • Instructor-led Courses
  • Archived and Special Events

Interactive Courses

Also known as MOOCs (massive open online courses), these courses are hosted on the Wolfram Cloud and allow you to interactively explore concepts using Wolfram Language functionality.

  • Self-paced with progress tracking

  • Include video lessons, exercises and problems, quizzes, exams and a scratch notebook

  • Sharable completion certificates available for all courses

  • Wolfram Level 1 proficiency certifications available for select courses

Video Lessons

Short recorded lessons that provide limited instruction on a computational topic or for using Wolfram tech.

  • Quick-start videos

  • Lessons from content experts

  • A wide variety of beginner-level lessons

  • Free to watch

Video Courses

Video series that build on preceding lessons to provide comprehensive instruction.

  • Each video course features a playlist of sequential lessons

  • Recorded by Wolfram certified instructors

  • Comprehensive coverage of a particular topic

  • Free to watch

Instructor-led Courses

Scheduled as online and in-person classes, these courses provide comprehensive instruction guided by a live instructor.

  • Registration required to reserve your seat

  • Taught by Wolfram certified instructors

  • Opportunity to pose live questions to experts in the room

  • Course completion certificates available

Archived and Special Events

Presentations by Wolfram developers, content experts and instructors.

  • Webinars on special topics and new release functionality

  • Livecoding sessions

  • Wolfram Daily Study Groups

  • Free to watch